Sunday, 25 November 2012

My Convocation Day

It is my convocation day. Most probably the happiest moment ever in my life, I mean one of the happiest moment of course. Inila saat yang di tunggu-tunggu after few years studying. Struggle with life and once kadag-kadang tertoleh belakang, mesti teringat saat-saat manis, duka, sedih, tawa dan macam-macam lagilah.

Dan kenangan-kenangan dengan classmates semua takkan di lupakan. The experience, the knowledge has grown me up. Through classes ni I am out of kepompong SA  yang terlampau comfortable and I learnt a lot. The people was so damn hilarious.

Thank you to all for friendship, love and caring. Thank you Farah and Nina, though both of you couldn't make it, I dedicated my success to you guys. To abang Rosli, thank you for sharing knowledge and experiences. To ex classmates, even though I memang tak convo dengan you all, I do really miss those class, those borak, those ngumpat offices, those makan and lepaking at abang mat and so.

Me and Mieja. Grad diploma (DBS 2005), degree BBA Finance (2007) and MBA (2012) together. Anak lahir pada tahun dan bulan yang sama (Sep 2010), laki kitorang umur pun sama (born 1982), kahwin tahun yang sama (2009). Birthday kitorang pun bulan yang sama (Oct) Korang ada friendship camni? Dan masih contact lagi.

Me on the screen. Nampak tak nama tu?

Invitation card

So back to MBA evening track class, I do miss them and I am sure that they miss those too and I do really hope that you all already find a way to your career cause the main point we further studying to upgrade our career kan? So, I wish you all luck in whatever you all do. Misssssssssss you guys (in tears)!!!

Ok, this is Nina, farah and me.

Farah and Fazli

Lots of pictures, but this is precious to update. Rindu korang, thanks for everything!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Hello blog.. I just want to say.. I am 18 weeks now! Sunnguh cepat masa berlalu, cehhhhh! November adalah bulan yang sangat busy untuk diri saya. Heheheheh. Saya akan konvo, yeah!!! It's on 24th November, sidang tengahari. Luckily I have Mieja around, even tak grad dengan rakan-rakan sekelas, tapi sekurang-kurangnya grad kan?

11th ni ada wedding Hajar, not sure boleh pergi ke tak. Segamat is so far away la Ajar, hahahha.. Then, 10th tu Iela ajak datang rumah dia sebab ada cukur jambul her second baby. Pastu 17th tu I got rehearsal for convo. Plus convo on 24th and seminar MIA on 27 & 28th. So what else?

And end of the year, the preparation for audit make me damn tired. I got first proper check up on 19th. I just hope that baby will fine, everything will be ok. Pray for the best. Paling best, got few friends also got pregnant. Shaq delivered on June, Fara bulan Feb kut, then Zura baru dapat tahu maybe around 7 weeks. Also, friends yang I read their blog macam diana molok pregnant kembar ok. Even dia baru 13 weeks kut but most probably again we will deliver around the same time. Macam her first daughter on 16th Sep, but Marsya on 20th Sep. Just Mieja je tak pregnant lagi even kitorang da janji nak pregnant sama-sama. Hahahahaha.

The happiest moment saya akan konvo and I want to enjoy the moment. Mak pun dah tempahkan jubah untuk konvo nanti. Yela, pompuan mengandung takkan nak berangan pakai baju kebaya pulak kan? I nak beli kasut sahaja nanti, yeahh.

Finally dreams come true kan? The next step will be what to do, tu ppun akan di fikirkan after I got deliver nanti.

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...