2013 is coming and leave 2012 behind. Cepat kan masa berlalu, terlalu cepat dan pantas. Sepanjang 2012, ada banyak perkara yang saya dah achieve in example, I already finish my study, career on the stable path, dah on the way on adding new family member.
And I've also already got plan when to add another family member. Means, nak berapa lagi anak and bila kah waktunya. Then, sebenarnya in my mind I already plan to further study once I don't want to have another baby, full time study and then to be a lecturer.
I tak nak cerita about 2012 sebab whatever yang dah berlalu biarlah berlalu, let it be. Just focus for your future. Adding up to this, my plan for 2013 will be:-
1) Raising up two children, how was it could be?
2) Confinement plan - at own home (ni involve banyak benda) - deliver by April 12th. June baru naik office balik
3) Ada maid coming on March - dilemma - adakah baby akan di jaga maid or anyone else - takde keputusan lagi. I do really not sure about this.
4) Berhari raya (dah 2 tahun berhari raya dengan mertua family) dengan my family this year with two kids - aqiqah will be on the raya time (for baby) - have to save lots of money!
5) I will organize 3rd birthday party Marsya this year, hopefully cause she already asking 'her birthday party' - September - since she dah pandai bercakap, she talk a lot and cakap dah pandai bukan-bukan sekarang.
6) Try to find a hobby - something you do when you have some times - something like that.
Oh ya, I want to attend swimming class, saya masih mahu belajar berenang walaupun sudah tua, saya masih mahu juga. Tak salah bercita-cita kan? Saya mahu kurus dan slim dan lots of wardrobe will be change after confinement. No more baju buruk-buruk dan dark colour. My dear lovely husband will choose color for me after this time. Itulah a paert of azam 2013 dan semoga menjadi kenyataan.
When there is a will, there is a way.