Wednesday 15 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Good morning and Happy valentine's Day! Uhh, hari ni memang best sebab dapat pergi kerja lambat, ahahahaha! It is because my husband got high fever! Balik dari fitness semalam, dia dah mengadu tak sihat, so masa tengah makan kat selera, dia dah tak sabar nak balik. Masa tu I was ignoring him. I was like 'ala, demam sikit jekan?' Pastu sampai rumah masa tengah mandi, dalam toilet sorang-sorang I fiikir macam kesian pulak tengok. 

Macammana anda mahu disayangi jika anda tak tahu nak menyayangi orang lain?

My husband ni jenis manja so dia nak I temankan dia. Pagi tadi I terlambat ke ofis and dah alang-alang tu ambil time-off terus la. Pagi tadi pun badan masih panas lagi.

What did u call your husband? I called him 'Yang" or in front of people 'U'. I don;t know if its appropriate ke tak, but I guess it is fine la kan?

The Story of Us

Cerita tentang kami ni nak elaborate pun susah but me and him used to be friends and he was the supplier to my company where he supplied everything means macam-macam la. He did printing advertising, t-shirt, logos for company and etc. 

And every time he was looking for me to collect cheque, tanya payment and everything else dan akan melepak kat my table each time he reach my company. And at one time he asked me out tu pun setelah beberapa lam I am avoiding him, cuba taknak keluar dengan mamat nih!

After one time dating I feel no harm of trying and somewhere in July 2009, ada company trip to Korea and he pun joined jugak. After got back, we decided to get married. Engagement date in October, wedding in December.

Simple and ada cerita sweet jugak. Anak sulung bertemu anak bongsu. I just wanted this marriage till the end of our lives.

So, tahun ni we will celebrate our third year anni and hopefully it will last forever.

Thanks for everything. Happy Valentine's Day (even kita tak pernah sambut celebration kristian ni kan buat ape). Eheheheheh. Selamat Hari Kasih Sayang.

Trying So Damn Hard

I am trying hard to:

  • Wake as early as possible and talk to myself 'Dee, kau boleh! Boleh pergi kerja! Boleh boleh boleh'
  • Forgive and forget everything and everyone because I don't want small thing ruin great relationships. 
  • Take a deep breath and relax, enjoy life Dee!
  • Love my husband as much as I can because with love I will survive, will be alive and generate power to ourselves. Do not underestimate the power of love. Husband, I will love you till death.
  • Working hard on my research proposal. Once done, I will headed one next step which to change to my life and the hopefully transforming the whole of me into new. 
  • To be a good mummy and to loved Marsya with the fullest heart.

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...