I already left my career of 7 years. It is about time la I guess. No need to explain why because there a things that I refuse to remember and every sweet memories will be in my heart forever.
I have started to work there since January 2007 right after my graduation in November 2006. Di I mention that I worked with my uncle, my father youngest brother which is Dato and owned logistics company. He is a successful entrepreneur.
I started with an Account Executive, promote to Senior Exec then after grad my MBA, I am an Account Manager. The responsibility was big and I do enjoy what I am doing but I always dream big. Bukan kecik punya cita-cita, selalu besar. If I don't get married with my husband now, I maybe maybe still working there but my husband is always support me and I take the opportunity to just let go everything which I already comfort with and start a new journey.
My husband a risk taker! That is why he open up business at a very young age rather than makan gaji. He support me to do whatever I dream of and always give a hand when I needed. Bukan jenis laki tipikal. I can do whatever I want, tak pernah halang. When I get married to him, I realized that I laugh more, smile more, more enjoy, more relax than when I was bachelor!
Ok, sempena hari terakhir I kat office haritu, my office mate ada organize small celebration for me. My boss a.k.a maksu tak ada. Tak sanggup nak berpisah kut. Hahahahahah. Paksu je ada. Howeber, I will still thankful to both of them (maksu and paksu) for everything, for the opportunity that they had given to me. I am just a human being and I wanted to do more for myself, to contribute more to the community and spend more time with my children and live happily with husband.
Ok, sempena hari terakhir I kat office haritu, my office mate ada organize small celebration for me. My boss a.k.a maksu tak ada. Tak sanggup nak berpisah kut. Hahahahahah. Paksu je ada. Howeber, I will still thankful to both of them (maksu and paksu) for everything, for the opportunity that they had given to me. I am just a human being and I wanted to do more for myself, to contribute more to the community and spend more time with my children and live happily with husband.
Love this. 7 years ler!
The HOD a.k.a friend and also a kakak to me.
My soul-mate-office. I can tell almost everything.
I do really having fun working with them. Account team of four. I sometime a 'garang' boss and siapa salah, is always salah, takda betul.

Babai u ol! Kerja elok-elok. Friendship is forever.