Pagi - pagi lagi dah busy memanjang si sambil tu curi - curi masa sikit untuk menulis di blog kesayangan nih. Dari before lunch tadi sampai petang ni nak tulis satu entry tapi tak siap-siap. There are a lots of things in my mind but I don't know where to start, dough.
Okey, lets start with work (boringggggg). I work here for a while and I just can't take it anymore. I just can't. I am tired, so damn tired. Its not enjoyable at all, its a burden.
Hari-hari macam boss akan tanya u "duit ada tak'. Should I answer "is it my work to think it?" Habistu manager and assistant manager buat apa? Everyday I was like " argh, bila semua ni nak end?????"
Plus, there were also annoying colleagues that make my life suck! Ayo, get away from my life, YOU PEOPLE! I dun interrupt your life, please stay away from mine. Eh, adeke? Ahahahahah. No, I am saying about people that say "eh, apsal u pakai baju camni" bla bla bla bla. Sibuk! Blah la weih.
Add to this I got one subordinate yang tersangat annoying dalam pada masa yang sama dah act like a boss dah. Soooooo annoying and less respect to others. Semua orang banyak dah complain on her behavior. dah lebih-lebih dah I tengok, Buat kerja sikit bising and complain. So I am thinking to replace her place with others.Tengokla how.
Nasihat I suruh ajar Marsya agama. I dun know, she keep telling me what to do. I dun exactly have time. I will try mak, Trying so damn hard. But I am not perfect. Or should I just sang the sing 'I am sorry I can't be perfect????'
I got daughter which I spent little time with her. What should I do? I am not afford yet nak amik dia stay with me. Plus my mom didn't like the idea of sending her to taska. I once send her to taska then she fall sick, asik kena neb, siapa tahan? Dia tak sesuai environment kat taska tu and terpaksa hantar klm balik. So quality time me was little. Siapa tak sedih? Siapa tak sayang anak? Seronok sangat duduk kt kk ni tanpa anak, NO!! Siapa tahu hati kecik I ni, siapa? Ada orang kisah? I nak pregnant lagi tapi my mom tak support the idea. She say I tak boleh jaga anak. Then takkan I nak beranak umur 40 kut. That's ridiculous and sad.
The other part of me was okay but not the business. Lately his business not running well and it reminded me of one quotes The loyalty of a woman is tested when her man is with no money. The loyalty of a man is tested when he is with lots of money
So, what to tell. The phrase tell everything right.
I am here not to nag ke komplen ke pasal my life but more on to writing. The truth, the fact. I can't escape from the truth but to face it, this is challenges in my life that I got to go, to deal. Siapa ada kehidupan yang perfect? Siapa? None of us.
Again, trying so damn hard to understand the real life was about.