Di ofis saya ada seorang abang yang macam pervert, suka nak menggatal dengan staff baru sampai boleh di kategorikan sebagai sexual harassment. Gurau dia yang kadang-kadang staff baru boleh interpret sebagai gatal. Nama dia Ezam.
Tapi sebenarnya dia takde niat pun dan we get to used his behavior. Maybe for new staff takkan boleh terima that kind of attitude. He sometimes like to email us ntahla tak taula ape benda yang dia cuba sampaikan, macam-macam. Hari ni email dia macamni:-
Huhhhh, berbeza sungguh!
Macam takde kena mengena email and the quote tu but its fine. I like the quote. Sometimes thewrong choices bring us the right places. Yup, the wrong choices for me maybe bring me the right place right now kan. We never knew because I never expecting myself to do an accountant job as I prefer to be a lawyer once upon a time.