Thursday 24 October 2013

Adui penatnye

Yesterday, i went out with family and four of us had dinner at Aeon Big. Bukan jauh sangat pun and no special dinner pun. It just dah lama tak keluar sebab nak bawa extra handbag sekarang aduhai. I was just about to have fun la with kids and I realize that both of them (adik and Marsya) was begging for my attention sooooo much. 

Hasisshhh, tak tahula apasal diorang berdua tu sikit-sikit mummy. Adik pantang nampak I was about to wear tudung every morning mula dah hek hek hek sana sini. Kakak pulak dan dan nak mummy dukung ke kerete padahal all these while pun daddy kan yang dukung. 

I was looking at myself and find I am no more attractive. Hahahahahah. And all time I was so quiet and have no mood on conversation with daddy. tak taula apsal tiba-tiba mood swing. I am so tired of everything. TIRED

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...