Friday, 24 February 2012

Past is past

I started blogging November 2010 I could remember. Even, there are friends who has started writing earlier, I never have the intention of doing so until one fine day I feel that I must write. Yeah, why not?

By accident, I found blogs of my two ex. First, I named him as M and he was really a damn good writer. The English was excellent I could say and he wrote not about him mostly on story teller. I guess one day he could a writer of love story maybe. I don't know. 

Our story started when I was doing my matriculation program. Long time ago (1999) I went to Law School because I find it cool to be a lawyer. With black and white suit and influences by Ally McBeal story, I decided to did Law. I end up my matriculation program but failed to further on my degree because I cannot make it on my first year degree. 

I went out with him by faith and after two month I felt there are no chemistry between us. Nothing! I cannot communicate well with him. Then after I out of Law School, I lost contact with him.

It is a memorable moment because in Law School I met Shaq, Aida, Fiza, Ani and Fara and we are still friends till now.

Ok, back to M, I couldn't read the whole blog because it is long but I've heard that he also writing something on me. His blog is really something and nic to read and has own followers. Now he already with someone which is a very cute girl and has own life. He is also in my friends list on my FB, no harm of being friends right? Me and him was not meant to be together and I've just wanted him to have a good life that's all.

The second ex was the nightmare for my whole life. I don't want to think about this man, never! Me and him was being together while I'm doing first degree in Business School. And through his blog, as usual he will blame everyone for what he has going through. He blamed God! OMG!!!! Last week, he added me on her FB, and also text me. Actually, I just wanted to say this to him:-

Dear S,
Please let me go out of your life. Please.
Do not ever enter with my life. I am really damn happy now.
If you thought that I left you because God fated it and it is very unfair, YOU ARE WRONG!
I left you because of yourself, you disgusting habit which is beating women, your boring life, your 'think you handsome' attitude, your broken family and you are never thinking of fixing it, but blame, blame blame!
You are such a boring human species that I have ever met.
Please fix your brain first before you have a relationship with other women!
If you think that I am going to just forgive and forget what you have done to me, YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN!
I am sick thinking of you and it is such a waste of four years relationship!!!!!!!!!!

Huh! What a relief!

So Happy Weekend everyone!

Enjoy life with our family.

I love you very true hubby Amer and baby Marsya.
Thanks for cheering up my life!


Lately ni I perasan my boss merangkap maksu dah tak pakai sangat brecelet, bangles dia. (Aku ni stalker ke ape). Dia pakai charm bracelets. 

Huhuhuhu. So I was like, hermmmmm!! Nice meh! So I goggle out charms from

Thomas Sabo 

USD 47
Ni yang besar ni je USD 47??

Thomas Sabo ni kind of eksklusif and cute design compare with Pandora very exclusive one for example:-


                             USD 270.00                                         Ni cheap skit, USD 50.00

Moreover, T&Co, ni lagila tak payah cakap, mahai!!

Tiffany & Co

USD 400

 I really like it!!!! USD 750.00

                     Price USD 1,250!!!!              

Kalau nak review more please see their website. Soooooo damnnn pretty!!!! Ada style and class!!!!

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...