The title shows how frustrated myself was. I've wrote earlier that I already finished my MBA but accidently according to the system portal I have one more paper to attend, means the status not yet end. How?
I took my marketing paper early 2009 and I've got B- and it wrote LB (lulus bersyarat). According to my intellectual, I do have to repeat this paper 'if' I do not grad with 3 pointer. Then when I received my exam result slips, it note with LU which means lulus la kan, wat de hel, ape lagi?
Suddenly, I am not yet grad because I didn't take my marketing paper (as in the portal). I do email admin of AAGBS regarding to this and took me quit some time. I email her on 22nd February 2012 and she replies me today (6th March 2012). I do understand that she got to do a lot of things and got to attend so many students.
She says that I'm going to repeat the paper as the current semester (when I was in part 2) I only got 2.78 and therefore I have to reseat for it.
My query were;-
1) Why is in my exam result slips state LU?
2) Why I dunno I have to repeat this paper from the beginning?
3) Why when I met her (she actually register for me all subject last semester) she told me that I am going to finish?
4) What is the hell you people you're coming from? Are you all working or eat at 10 am, 4pm????
This is her email to me:-
Terlebih dahulu mohon maaf kerana mengambil masa yang terlalu lama untuk menjawab e-mail sdri.
Setelah disemak di dalam sistem ISIS UiTM, sdri mendapat B- (LB) bagi subjek MKT750. Sekiranya CGPA yang sdri perolehi semester tersebut ialah 3.00 ke atas, sdri adalah dikira lulus dan tidak perlu mengulang subjek tersebut.
Tetapi CGPA sdri adalah 2.78, bermakna sdri PERLU MENGULANG subjek tersebut.
Oleh itu tindakan sdri mengambil subjek tersebut pada semester ini adalah wajar.
Sekian. Sekiranya sdri mempunyai sebarang masalah, saya boleh dihubungi seperti talian di bawah. Terima kasih.
Terlebih dahulu mohon maaf kerana mengambil masa yang terlalu lama untuk menjawab e-mail sdri.
Setelah disemak di dalam sistem ISIS UiTM, sdri mendapat B- (LB) bagi subjek MKT750. Sekiranya CGPA yang sdri perolehi semester tersebut ialah 3.00 ke atas, sdri adalah dikira lulus dan tidak perlu mengulang subjek tersebut.
Tetapi CGPA sdri adalah 2.78, bermakna sdri PERLU MENGULANG subjek tersebut.
Oleh itu tindakan sdri mengambil subjek tersebut pada semester ini adalah wajar.
Sekian. Sekiranya sdri mempunyai sebarang masalah, saya boleh dihubungi seperti talian di bawah. Terima kasih.
Ok fine with it!!!!!
I am so damn frustrated and yet I am not interested to further my PhD in the same uni. I am not!
Yes people, I am not!!!!!!
Gosh, I am so angry.
I don't know with who?
My self? My uni? My life? The admin? Fate?
I dun know.
If its the faith, I have to accept.
But, after all, I need to move on, and step into reality.
I need it, need it so much, just take it cool.
Pray that mu husband will be stronger with me.
If I tak grad with Aisyah, Fini I will grad with Mija, Maya, Zura.
And dengan Su (EMBA) jugak kan?
So after all, still grad jugak kan?
I need it, need it so much, just take it cool.
Pray that mu husband will be stronger with me.
If I tak grad with Aisyah, Fini I will grad with Mija, Maya, Zura.
And dengan Su (EMBA) jugak kan?
So after all, still grad jugak kan?