Semalam saya ke kelas marketing. Dr tu (Dr. Zarina if I am not mistaken) ok, buat lawak but I have to be careful jugak sebab I know that this lecturer even they seems nice, attendance kena jaga, kena stood out dalam kelas, kalau tak memang dapat B jela, jangan harap lebih.
I imagine that I am going to be the only one senior dalam kelas tu but there are another senior jugak, Ramai! Ada ina, raja and maya tak datang, hafiz, zura, lin, kak yati, pastu ada a few classmates qmt haritu. Tapi I paling senior sebab 2008 tu! Tak boleh blah! Hahahahah.
I pun dah setelkan my payment for by using epf, so tinggal nak pass the slips to itm je, I nak hantar this friday la kut. Kelas marketing tu overall ok, takde pressure sangat and I am happy.
Harini ada celebration sa yang ke21 tapi I did not bring my camera tapi kalau ada (from camera ofis) I will upload the pictures.
21??? Its very long journey, eheheheeh!
Happy Anniversary company!