Friday, 31 October 2014

A week

It is Friday. I was busying for the whole week and now at mak ayah home sweet home, in front of the pc. The water pressure at our home sour home kk sangat slow and daddy got to go Kedah, ai took the easiest way balik klm. With the kids.

Monday I got this TPM - bukan tenaga pengajar muda tapi Teachers Parents Meeting at cic. Tuesday, I got busy with hubs at restaurants. Wednesday, I had to see Dr SS and yesterday I spent my time watch DRP presentation.

TPM tu will be on the kids blog.

Tuesday tu I teman hubs pergi renew passport. Half day petang kat imigresen sahaja. Tiring betul. Tiring, bosan dan lawak. Lawak sebab ada sorang pakcik tu dia datang imigresen tidur till the end of the day and missed his turn. LAWAK! Tiba -tiba dia datang kaunter bayaran asked for his turn. Pakcik, tak buat lagi passport kau nak bayar, biar betul pakcik!

Wednesday, I met Dr SS. I represent to him what I had already done. The outcome:-
1) Data tu I have to go to Department of Statistic juga I guess, no choice
2) Read 25 journal then we will discuss together.
3) Title need to be improved
4) He will choose co supervisor with me.

So next day, myself Kak Sheri and Ida we all dah decide to watch drp to get more knowledge. Myself sendiri sempat tengok 2 drp. Then Kak Sheri tanya ai " You got to be kidding Dr SS nak discuss journal with you?" 

I pun macam what?? Aah betul ke kan, I was like blur juga but after all he yang insists to help me because I think that I am the only phd cadidates yang ambil single Dr, in fact yang lain - lain tu ambil AP. AP maybe diorang banyak kerja lain. Ok, I pun malas nak fikir as long as could do the drp next semester that is all.

Khamis pagi before I started the day teringat yang semalam (Rabu) Hanis dah masuk duit kutu, so pagi - pagi terus online and transfer ke Fara. Kalau tak, takut tak ingat. Pagi buta dah hadap pc. Kerja juga tu.

Khamis tu juga hubs cakap he got to go to Kedah, so malam I siap pack everything and pagi tadi terus balik klm.

Tell me, bila masa ada free?


Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...