Aku emo lately. Emosional yang macam tahap gaban, mungkin faktor umur, kahkahkah. Mengandung? Haruslah tak kan. Ok, tomorrow I gotta go to Bangi, seminar LR, siapkan anak-anak as early as I could. Aku ingat nak waze je kesana since aku pun dah pandai pakai waze by myself. Huhuh. I am 33 years old today. Yet the journey gone far but not yet the destination.
Ada orang boleh berbangga cos they already gone to so many places cos people say, it is not how often you travelling but how far you go.
Kenapa tiba -tiba cerita pasal travelling? Emo sebab kena drive ke Bangi ke? Kemonnnn la. My God!
It is not only bout tomorrow but previous previous plus a lot of thing to think! Sampai this is why rambut dah banyak beruban. So much thinking of nothing kut.
So I done checking on Dr Halina blog, I found its touching. Yup, dia baru celebrate anniversary yang ke 4 and we (my husb and I) will turn 5 on 12/12.
But it seems like she got more matured than me. Of course she did, she was older than me thou!!! Thank you Dr H for such inspiring relationship. Mestilah marriage dia lagi mencabar dari marriage kita cos she got her S husband. Kan? Therefore, everyone should appreciate their own marriage please!
Ok, lepas termenung - menung lepas solat tadi aku paham yang life aku memang mencabar dan tak sama dan takkan sama dengan orang lain. Mula - mula I decided nak give up je, but I got to be strong kan. Harung jela, redah jela.
Hermmm.. Ini adalah catatan orang emosional sebab umur 33 harini. Kalau 44? 55?? Gosh!
Happy Birthday.
Enjoy your day till max.
Even there were ups and downs, trust yourself you can do it!
Do not rely and depend on human, they are weak.
Only Allah can help you in whatever situation.
Please forgive me.
Please show me the right way.
Please help me to get through my journey and reach the destination in safe.
Only You can guide me to the right path.
Please give me strength to continually istiqamah to Your way, in shaa Allah!