Monday, 16 April 2012

My New Favorite TV Series

Okey, sekarang I tengah gila tengok Revenge kat Star World. Sangat best. 

It is all about revenge in Amanda Clarke @ Emily Thorne which she insists to take revenge to everyone who involved in her father imprisonment. Tapi kan sebenarnye her father already told her not revenge and forgive everyone.

Her father already investigate siapa yang salah, macamana boleh sampai kena tuduh as terrorist masa dalam penjara. Masa kena caught tu, tu Amanda kecik lagi, so die kena masuk juvenile sebab her father was accused as terrorist. In prison tula her father write macam article kut and find out siapa yang jadi dalang sampai dia kena buang dari Grayson. And he passed all the evidence to her daughter Amanda through Nolan.

Kaitan Nolan dalam cerita ni adalah bapa Amanda was one of his funder in his company and Amanda ada share dalam company tu and keluar je dari Juvenile she has money. I mean so much money.I dunno how both of them met. (Amanda's father and Nolan).

Dalam cerita ni, Emily berlakon konon-konon fall in love with Daniel Grayson so that she can come near to Grayson's family. Emily and Daniel as per below picture.

Nick Wechsler was so hot okey. Dia jadi kawan baik Amanda masa kecik-kecik. And he got feelings for Amanda, siap beli boat and name his boat after her. Romantik! Then bila Amanda get back she change her name to Emily and of course nobody knows her kan. Except anjing peliharaan Amanda which is Sammy. Sammy kenal Amanda and from the scene we knew that how Emily tried so hard to ignore Jack sebab dia takut Jack dapat recognize dia. Sammy pulak since Amanda or Emily in town asyik pergi rumah Emily cause it know that was Amanda. Btw, Jack keep Sammy after Amanda and her father leave.

Ada banyak unexpected scene dalam this series which I loved so much. Surprise and all other sampai I am obsess kan. Hahahahaha.

It shown every Monday and Tuesday 10.45 pm and ada episode repeat back to back Sunday malam pukul  10.50 after Glee. Repeat lagi on the following day at 6.05 pm. Series hari Isnin shows Tuesday petang and Tuesday shows Wednesday petang.

Okey, sangat best!

Oh Exam

I went thru a terrible exam process for juraudit w41 scheme. Okey, macam hell. Last Saturday I pun pergilah exam yang I dapat tu as per schedule dan guess what? Balik dapat migraine. Gila! Balik, makan dan tidur. After tidur tu baru fresh sikit.

Exam tu kena banyak fikir and my brain just cannot accept anymore. Hahahahah. Kalau exam pun dah macamtu, kerja nauzubillah la agaknya. They saying that this w41 basic salary is 2700 excluding allowances. Agaknya tu penyebab ramai graduates tertarik with it and basically ada 300 plus candidates who seats for the exam. Tu tak termasuk candidates kat tempat lain kan.

Dan ramai yang muda-muda. Yang tua-tua kurang. Best sangat ke kerja government nih? I am not sure but I guess the politics kerja labbih kurang cam sa je kut?

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...