Last three days I have a small discussions with husband. He is actually in the middle of project amende entah and I asked him "If this project didn't succeed what are you going to do?" and he answered me "Boleh jangan bagi soalan cepu emas petang-petang camni?" Soalan yang di balas soalan.
Then, it may took some times for him to think ke apa kan, yesterday he told me " Samada jadi ke tak projek I ni, you boleh buat apa you nak. Kena struggle la, tapi selama ni pun kita struggle kan". is actually the answer that I want to hear.
Sebenarnya, the reason that I still did not want to continue studies is because he asked me to stay at my work for a while because he just scared that his business does not run well.
If I go for studies, he will the only one to pay everything. Since lately he believe that he could support us, I should grab this opportunity la because all this while pun I cuma dapat cakap-cakap and tulis-tulis kat blog that I wanted to further my studies tapi tak buat jugak kan.
Mak pun asyik support and asked me to sambung la, she really supportive la kan. Soooooo, here we goo! Started to do proposal. NOW!