Thursday, 27 February 2014

Mak Dulu vs Mummy Sekarang

Mak dulu and mummy sekarang sangatla berbeza kan. Mummy sekarang bayak tanggungjawab kena pikul and terletak kat bahu ni. Keadaan dah jauh beza.

By comparing with earlier generation of moms, their duties just duduk kat rumah, tak perlu nak pergi kerja sebab daddy already can give whatever needed of the family. But now, the expenses was becoming high and higher, moms need to contribute to the family expenses, responsibilities of moms are become bigger. 

Lagipun ramai mummy yang ada higher education compare to daddy because even in university pun, female students are more than male students. There are no doubt currently ramai mom earn more than their husband. Am I right?

So as mummies, what are our responsibility???

I guess here we take an opportunity to change these. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR BOYS TO GO TO UNIVERSITY! You all pernah tak dengar kat mana-mana (this is like kg say) 'takpe laki kalau tak belajar pun senang carik kerja, tak macam perempuan'

This is quote yang I used to hear la. And family encourage anak-anak perempuan masuk university but end up anak perempuan earn more salary and support the husband. Budak laki pulak kita tengok jadi despatch, clerk at government servant, runner, assistant kedai makan, kedai komouter kan? 

Okey, this is middle-class economy situation. Higher class, they are already rich, they has parents who support their life, making own business and etc. Near future, we could see that yang kaya bertambah kaya, yang misking jadi lagi miskin.

Haishhhh.. If we mom melahirkan anak-anak lelaki yang jadi engineer, accountant, scientist, architecture (ni semua yag critical case kat malaysia sebab sikit sangat) then we should be proud mom la. Tak guna pun anak ramai-ramai tapi kalau semua takat habis spm-diploma je nanti. 

Yang perempuan insyaAllah kalau betul didikannya, akan belajar la dan berjumpa lelaki yang baik, insyaAllah. Mak - mak pun kenala support anak - anak, moral support to them, yang tak kahwin lagi, doakan moga berjumpa jodoh yang baik, yang dah berkahwin doakan kebahagiaan perkahwinan mereka.

Kadang - kadang mak ni yang over kalau ank gaji lebih dari menantu, mula membebel dan tak suka menantu. Kalau dapat pula menantu lawa, di tuduh pulak kikis duit anak (ni semua cerita dalam paper) Hahahaahah.

But, it is real life la kan. At the end nanti masyarakat melayu ni tak kemana pun. Inner conflict je lebih. Cina korang tengok family cina, siap tinggal ramai-ramai satu family, tak kisahkan gaji sape besar, gaji sape kecik, less family conflict, better generation.

Anak-anak cina dapat good education at private U sebab ada insurance yang di beli sejak kecik. Kita kalau beli insurance karang di kata haram la baga-bagai. Tak terpikir la apela sebab ada ASB la kononnya. Kalau simpan pastu korek serupa dengan tak payah ada ASB kan. Kalau insurance memang kena bayar je, tak boleh korek dah.

Nampak tak?

Then now kecoh cos orang Melayu kurang beli rumah. Mak - mak pun mula membebel kalau anak-anak takde rumah, menyewa but if they encourage anak-anak diorang, ajar cara simpan duit or else simpankan duit untuk anak-anak, let say, we have like 20k from our  parents, we could but houses / apartment RM 200k right. Malay people ni kan suka cakap 'anak-anak carikla sendiri kalau dah besar and keje nanti' ataupun untuk yang perempuan 'laki kaula kena beli rumah untuk kau' See??? Tak ada support.

So, whoever, mummies who read this, teach your beloved husband to save some money for him, for children also. Buy suitable and affordable insurance as well for family sake. Give some of your money to your parents even RM 50. Then Allah will lead and show you the way.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Aku Hal Aku

Sebab tak tahu nak tulis tajuk apa, I just wrote down the title. Heheheheheheh. Tak ada kena mengena dengan hidup mati atau kes Che Ta nak 2 anak lagi. Eh, apeda tersasul. Atau kes Izzah nak bercerai. Lagila tak ada kena mengena kan.

Mula - mula sekali cerita pasal my beautiful friends on 14.01.2014. Hari Selasa sempena cuti sambutan Maulud Nabi. There were five of us. Makan - makan at publika. Amnede kejadah tempat tak tahula sebab tak pernah pergi but husband pernah pergi and bring me there as usual. Saja je we all keluar makan beramai-ramai macamni cos fara kata it is going to be monthly outing as to keep ourselves sane. 

Kalau nak di kira insane ke tak human being tu, memang dah tak ada insanity lagi rasanya sebab bila dah kahwin, hilang semua yang tak gila tu, jadi gila. Gila apa? Gila bangun pagi, mandikan anak-anak, pergi hantar sekolah, bla bla bla bla. Semua jadi gila kau. Bila anak-anak cranky ke nangis ke aku kadang rasa nak ketuk kepala bapak diorang, bukan kepala anak sebab tu anak aku, but bapak diorang sebab pasal bapak diorang korang semua lahir. Hahahahahah. Itu da macam statement orang tak betul pulak dah.

Sejak Januari, my sane has brought back to me because I am no working mother and I got this little time for myself. Time to read more, time to think more and be more patience.

Again on 2nd February 2014, kami berkumpul balik for Faleesha 1st Birthday Party. Lawa la kitorang. Heheheheheheh. Alahai perasan, tak tau kalau sume berdiri perut dah macm bape bulan. That is why kitorang sume duduk, cover sume yang tak nampak tu kan. 

Ani was pregnant again with second pregnancy. Alhamdulilah. 

Faleessha with Fara with kumbang suit tu. So cute! Pandang tepat ke kamera. Dah biasa dah babies ni amik gambar. Aryan with ternampak-pusat-seksi gigit jari dan stoking dah hilang sebelah. What a mum! Anak sapela tu. Aisha rasa geram nak cubit -cubit, bawak balik cam gitu! Aisha mak aihhhhh putih gebu. Esok kalau dah besar cun melecun Aryan kau jangan nak tackle dia (kalau takde duit riban-riban). Mak dia hakim bapak dia engineer kau tau tak. Anyway, I love you ollss and thanks Fara for the party! Gina maintain je monitor sume baby yang ada tu. Kot-kot sape buat hal, nak cepuk je sebab tangan macam dah standby je tu! (Rasa patut masuk entry budak-budak ni, tapi takpela kan)

Hari - hari cuti lain, I will lepak with this two kids (anak sape tak tahula). Hahahah. Lepak dan biar diorang main sampai rumah bersepah. Seronokkkkkkk tengok rumah dah tak ada ruang kecuali mainan kan!!!! Seronok sangat!

Semalam 12/12 sama dengan birthday adik kesayangan aka pakngah yang dah berumur 31 tahun dan masih tidak bertemu jodoh lagi. Dia cakap tak jumpa lagi perempuan yang setuju tinggal dengan mak mertua, so dia tak kahwin lagi. He is still staying with my mom because he is mak-mak-mak-mak punya anak dan asik asik mak-mak-mak.

So, sempena birthday dia semalam, mak masak pulut kuning dan rendang daging ke dia plus adik buat cheese cake. Me satu family balik KLM sampai aftyer Isya' and sempat la I menapau cheese cake tu dan hari ni I tengah hadap cheese cake ni plus put ice cream on top with the caption:-


Hahahahahaahha. (Tengah nangis sambil surf brape kalori cheese cake and ice cream tu)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014



Hopefully I will write more to this blog.

I luv sooooo muchhhhh!!!

Friday, 7 February 2014

My Farewell Party

I already left my career of 7 years. It is about time la I guess. No need to explain why because there a things that I refuse to remember and every sweet memories will be in my heart forever.

I have started to work there since January 2007 right after my graduation in November 2006. Di I mention that I worked with my uncle, my father youngest brother which is Dato and owned logistics company. He is a successful entrepreneur. 

I started with an Account Executive, promote to Senior Exec then after grad my MBA, I am an Account Manager. The responsibility was big and I do enjoy what I am doing but I always dream big. Bukan kecik punya cita-cita, selalu besar. If I don't get married with my husband now, I maybe maybe still working there but my husband is always support me and I take the opportunity to just let go everything which I already comfort with and start a new journey.

My husband a risk taker! That is why he open up business at a very young age rather than makan gaji. He support me to do whatever I dream of and always give a hand when I needed. Bukan jenis laki tipikal. I can do whatever I want, tak pernah halang. When I get married to him, I realized that I laugh more, smile more, more enjoy, more relax than when I was bachelor!

Ok, sempena hari terakhir I kat office haritu, my office mate ada organize small celebration for me. My boss a.k.a maksu tak ada. Tak sanggup nak berpisah kut. Hahahahahah. Paksu je ada. Howeber, I will still thankful to both of them (maksu and paksu) for everything, for the opportunity that they had given to me. I am just a human being and I wanted to do more for myself, to contribute more to the community and spend more time with my children and live happily with husband.

Love this. 7 years ler!

The HOD a.k.a friend and also a kakak to me.

My soul-mate-office. I can tell almost everything.

I do really having fun working with  them. Account team of four. I sometime a 'garang' boss and siapa salah, is always salah, takda betul. 


Babai u ol! Kerja elok-elok. Friendship is forever.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Lately sangat - sangat berserabut even dah tak bekerja. Serabut dengan kerja rumah. buat satu siap satu, ada lagi tasks baru. Jangan ingat duduk tumah boleh goyang - goyang kaki senang hati.

Hati tak selesa je bila terkenangkan almari buku yang tak serupa almari ni. Bila di review balik, cap daddy pun ada dalm almari ni. Sakit jiwa raga. Helikopter which I gave him present in 2009's birthday pun ada dalam almari  ni, siap dengan remote sekali.

So I have decided yang almari buku ini harussss di siapkan segera, SEGERA!


All I can do is to pray that Allah will help me and give me strength to finish this tasks. Tengokla kat bawah tu punya cerita.

Tak tahu nak jadi apa la ni!

HELP!!! HELP!!!!!

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Good Bye 2013...Welcome 2014

Hello Blog..

It has been a while since I has so much time to write to find a time to write.

I believe that it is not that I have no time but I did not find a time to write. More to that.

So this is going to be my first and foremost resolution maybe? To write more and more and more.

This year I am going to be, ya, going to be but not yet 33 years old. I look at the number and it is such a denial when people say numbers doesn't count. Yeaah right. Then you can count on what? I lived with this lovely and always teasing me all the time, husband Amer, lovely and adorable daughter Marsya and a handsome son, Aryan. I love them more than I can tell.

I have done few great things back in 2013, which delivered Aryan, celebrate Marsya 3rd birthday, husband 31st birthday, mine 32nd birthday, our anniversary of 4 years of course and it is already four of us.

I have done great achievement, did I mention two big dreams of women was to be a wife and to be a mother right. I already a mom  to a son and daughter and a wife to husband. I already fulfill my big dreams.

Then in 31st December, there was another big step. I already left my seven years career. I an jobless currently, full housewife but no children by my side. Aryan still send to nanny, Marsya already went to CIC Kindergarten. I had my limits. Should quit before I gone crazy. 

My routine everyday would wake up as early as 5.40, Subuh prayer and preparation and packing for the kids stuff for a day, heat Aryan foods (usually I made his foods at night), preparing Marsya for her school. After sending them to their place, I get back to home, clean up houses, do cooking stuffs, then finding materials for my thesis.

I am a happy - with - no - fixed income mommy and I hope that 2014 will bring me more happiness and enjoyable, lots of holidays and gateway, more times with children, more patients with family.

Till then, lets pray for our happiness and enjoy the day till end of the life.

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...