Friday, 31 October 2014

A week

It is Friday. I was busying for the whole week and now at mak ayah home sweet home, in front of the pc. The water pressure at our home sour home kk sangat slow and daddy got to go Kedah, ai took the easiest way balik klm. With the kids.

Monday I got this TPM - bukan tenaga pengajar muda tapi Teachers Parents Meeting at cic. Tuesday, I got busy with hubs at restaurants. Wednesday, I had to see Dr SS and yesterday I spent my time watch DRP presentation.

TPM tu will be on the kids blog.

Tuesday tu I teman hubs pergi renew passport. Half day petang kat imigresen sahaja. Tiring betul. Tiring, bosan dan lawak. Lawak sebab ada sorang pakcik tu dia datang imigresen tidur till the end of the day and missed his turn. LAWAK! Tiba -tiba dia datang kaunter bayaran asked for his turn. Pakcik, tak buat lagi passport kau nak bayar, biar betul pakcik!

Wednesday, I met Dr SS. I represent to him what I had already done. The outcome:-
1) Data tu I have to go to Department of Statistic juga I guess, no choice
2) Read 25 journal then we will discuss together.
3) Title need to be improved
4) He will choose co supervisor with me.

So next day, myself Kak Sheri and Ida we all dah decide to watch drp to get more knowledge. Myself sendiri sempat tengok 2 drp. Then Kak Sheri tanya ai " You got to be kidding Dr SS nak discuss journal with you?" 

I pun macam what?? Aah betul ke kan, I was like blur juga but after all he yang insists to help me because I think that I am the only phd cadidates yang ambil single Dr, in fact yang lain - lain tu ambil AP. AP maybe diorang banyak kerja lain. Ok, I pun malas nak fikir as long as could do the drp next semester that is all.

Khamis pagi before I started the day teringat yang semalam (Rabu) Hanis dah masuk duit kutu, so pagi - pagi terus online and transfer ke Fara. Kalau tak, takut tak ingat. Pagi buta dah hadap pc. Kerja juga tu.

Khamis tu juga hubs cakap he got to go to Kedah, so malam I siap pack everything and pagi tadi terus balik klm.

Tell me, bila masa ada free?


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Thank you!

It's been a while since I have started school. Today, I decided to discuss further dengan Dr SS, so I email him and suddenly, I got an email from Dr Kadir asked on our progress. Eh macam tau tau je, lagila aku tak nak Dr SS fikir aku nak jumpa dia pasal email tu, haruslah tak!

Since I have attended on my own initiative on all seminars, workshops and databases courses tu, I then nak discuss what have I done la.

So I am quit busy with updating my proposal some more. Mybrain result tak kunjung tiba, tpm application lembab bak siput sedut. So, aku macam agak emosional sikit la, okey. 

All of sudden, penjaga adik dah start buat hal dah, I know it! Mom's instinct. I have been spoke to my close friends and also my mom, so mak cakap takpe, dia dah besar, boleh hantar taska. I infact dah survey and tinggal decided nak hantar bila, either on December ke January ke, or atau hantar je next month.

But after all, I really kesian kat adik, yela, dah bape lama pulak dia tinggak kat sana, buat kata aida, kemanusiaan tu takde kut, budak jadi mangsa. Kan? So I pandang muka adik dalam - dalam. I tau compared with the other 3 kids tu, dia yang paling lasak, dia redah je. Macamtula perangai dia kat rumah, kat rumah orang, langsung tak takut.

So dia anggap rumah orang macam rumah dia. I realised that diorang ada favorite budak lain, so adik ni I tak taula macamana dia kat rumah orang tu, sampai terbawa - bawa dalam mimpi. Itula diri I ni kalau apa je mesti dapat mimpi, sikit - sikit mimpi, bosan betul.

Eh, cerita pasal school tadi kan, dah melalut ke adik then kedai daddy pulak. Daddy memang dia spent most of his precious time kat kedai, and a very little time with kakak and adik. Sampai I have to curi masa daddy so that ada ruang - ruang kosong bonding time daddy and children.

Petang weekend je I called daddy jom pergi playground. Daddy tanya siapa yang nak pergi ni, mummy ke anak - anak, I buat bodoh je. Apa jadah I yang nak pergi playground kan? Sebab I tak buat cam tu, nanti diorang tak keluar rumah pulak.

So ada some fun sikit. Sebab kedai tak boleh tinggal and it is our sources of income. So, I pun tak leh nak merungut because I tak payah masak and I must asked daddy to pay all my expenses.

Haritu yang pergi Penang pun dah macam hape tinggal kedai. Susah, So I rasa kalau nak pergi mana-mana tutup je kot kedai tu. Ni daddy kata nak balik Kuantan for his cousin's wedding, I dunno how he is going to manage it. Dulu kata ada kawan yang nak jaga during weekend but it seems macam he is the only to take care of all. Kawan tu pun of course la berbayar kan, takkan nak jaga free je? 

Bila buat FnB ni macam biasalah masaalah tukang masak, tukang buat air la bla bla bla, kadang - kadang kita kene settle dulu then baru ambil adik. Tapi I rasa I dah tak boleh hadap dah penjaga adik tu, itulah satu perangai yang mak cakap susah betul dengan anak dia sorang ni. Time - time camnila dia nak buat halnya pun.

I told daddy if she is my staff, teruk I kerjakan budak ni, sampai menangis pun boleh. Tapi bila melibatkan anak - anak, aku pulak yang nangis kan? Mak suruh I berlapang dada je, cemana lah konsep berlapang dada cik Jamilah oiii. Daddy pulak cakap I suka campur aduk everything, tu jadi tension. Dah I bukan boleh tak tunjuk muka masam ni time amik adik. Kau suruh aku memahami situasi kau? Apakah? Situasi apa yang kau ada? Lain kali jangan jaga budak kalau tak mampu! Sekali lagi I tenung wajah adik dalam - dalam, sian adik. Sorry adik, mummy pun ada ego mummy.

Apa pros and cons kalau duduk taska? Kita tak payah cerita keburukan la kan, semoga Allah lindungi adik selalu. Harapan mummy;

1) Adik dapat makan cara teratur dan tak berterabur, baca doa sebelum makan, jangan suka - suka teraburkan makanan and kutip makan balik.

2) Ada jadual, so tidur petang tu ada, jangan asal time balik je mata bengkak. Alasan diorang ' Anak akak tak mau tidur' Bullshit! Kau mintak aku buai tapi anak aku tak mau dah tidur buai, anak orang lain yang tidur. Sudahnya anak aku tak tidur, kau ingat aku tak tau?

3) Adik sentiasa happy kat mana jugak adik tinggal, tak kisahla mana pun kan.

4) Adik kurang - kurang membuli anak orang lain.

5) Adik jugak tak di buli.

6) Taska adik nanti dekat kedai daddy.

7) Mummy ambil seawal boleh.

Thank you to all yang jaga adik, bukan mummy tak ingat jasa kalian, tapi mummy tau yang diorang dah malas jaga adik, standard la wei, budak cerdik kan nakal (pujuk hati sendiri sambil cry cry).

It is about time to change, they did came cross our life to teach us lesson and to prepared for unpredictable things in the future. We learn from each other.

Best describes me.

Till we meet again - next posts!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Review.. Seminar LR with Prof Juhana

Ini blog saya. 

Today, I wanted to review what Prof Juhana has taught me bout the LR Socratic Method. 

Okey la seminar Isnin tu sebenarnya banyak info berguna but then because of Prof was so busy at the day, ada yang dia tak sempat nak ajar. Ada juga yang rasa tak puas hati cos this is all paid seminar kan.

Btw, this is mpws seminar for postgradute students and workshop to learn more on the thesis things. Every month pun ada, cuma sediakan duit je. Hahahaah

Ok, soalannya agak -agaknya bila kita patut start tulis LR? Pada hari pertama kita baca artikel. 

Soalan kedua, bila patut kita berhenti baca artikel??? Buat time frame sendiri. If tiba - tiba kita jumpa artikel lepasss kita buat LR. what should we do? Just put it in the suggestion site, as simple as that!

At the end of conclusion, the review:-

Two technique approach
1) Mapping - map all your LR
    It is how to relate what we found.  
    Building blocks to all related info.
    Before mapping, we should do skimming and scanning first.

2) Comparing and Contrast 
    Before we could do the compare and contrast, we should find a way to made an argument to the article. 

Okey, but after all, kita kena practised kan?

And I planned to go for another LR seminar on 20th November.

Ni je pic yang sempat di ambil.

Prof Juhana yang pakai tudung biru tu.

Info very useful but time is veryyyy limited!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

What Color is Your Personality?


You belong to the red color family! The color psychology quiz tells us that like those intense reds that you subconsciously most relate to, you're vibrant and passionate. You have a pioneering spirit and incredible leadership qualities. You're ambitious and determined. You're known for being strong-willed and confident. You tend to be the center of attention and you're impossible to overlook. Your energy can be a bit overwhelming, but on the bright side... once you've set your mind to something, there's no stopping you!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Cake Saya

Thank you husband.

Thank you Ila sebab belanja akk cake ni.


Yang paling penting laki I ingat, or I akan buat mogok selama setahun!!!

Monday, 13 October 2014

Happy Birthday to me!

Aku emo lately. Emosional yang macam tahap gaban, mungkin faktor umur, kahkahkah. Mengandung? Haruslah tak kan. Ok, tomorrow I gotta go to Bangi, seminar LR, siapkan anak-anak as early as I could. Aku ingat nak waze je kesana since aku pun dah pandai pakai waze by myself. Huhuh. I am 33 years old today. Yet the journey gone far but not yet the destination.

Ada orang boleh berbangga cos they already gone to so many places cos people say, it is not how often you travelling but how far you go. 

Kenapa tiba -tiba cerita pasal travelling? Emo sebab kena drive ke Bangi ke? Kemonnnn la. My God!

It is not only bout tomorrow but previous previous plus a lot of thing to think! Sampai this is why rambut dah banyak beruban. So much thinking of nothing kut.

So I done checking on Dr Halina blog, I found its touching. Yup, dia baru celebrate anniversary yang ke 4 and we (my husb and I) will turn 5 on 12/12.

But it seems like she got more matured than me. Of course she did, she was older than me thou!!! Thank you Dr H for such inspiring relationship. Mestilah marriage dia lagi mencabar dari marriage kita cos she got her S husband. Kan? Therefore, everyone should appreciate their own marriage please!

Ok, lepas termenung - menung lepas solat tadi aku paham yang life aku memang mencabar dan tak sama dan takkan sama dengan orang lain. Mula - mula I decided nak give up je, but I got to be strong kan. Harung jela, redah jela. 

Hermmm.. Ini adalah catatan orang emosional sebab umur 33 harini. Kalau 44? 55?? Gosh!

Happy Birthday.
Enjoy your day till max.
Even there were ups and downs, trust yourself you can do it!
Do not rely and depend on human, they are weak.
Only Allah can help you in whatever situation.

Please forgive me.
Please show me the right way.
Please help me to get through my journey and reach the destination in safe.
Only You can guide me to the right path.
Please give me strength to continually istiqamah to Your way, in shaa Allah!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Hello October!!!

Okey, Oktober ni ada banyak benda nak buat. Last week I attended kkm class kat ptar2, iaitu kelas kemahiran macam gitu la. As before this, kalau dalam blog dr OT diorang banyak cakap pasal scopus la amende sume, so now I know la kan. Puan Rabita (librarian) ni ajar 3 pencarian utama adalah melalui scopus, summon and web science. Kalau dah cari kat 3 tempat ni so aku tak payah terhegeh  - hegeh nak cari kat pro quest lagi, kat emerald lagi. Aku pun macam waaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Dr ot cakap kalau students research tak tau scopus tu apa bak "menghabihkan boreh yo". Memang betul pun. Kalau tau tau nak search data base apa jadahnya nak buat research. Kan kan.

Then, aku boleh search thesis online kat Malaysian Thesis Online. Untuk cari thesis uitm picit (perghhhh picit) tergelak aku bila kak sheri kata picit instead of tekan, Hahahahahahah. Okey, sambung carik kat institutional repo.

Students uitm jugak boleh tengok pinjaman buku korang kt library and search buku - buku yang korang nak through ptar online. Puan Rabita kata better cari kat scopus dulu then baru kat summon. Okey, good idea puan! Web of Science pulak banyak jurnal baru.

Harini aku panjat ptar 1 plak nak belajar mendeley. Siap dah bukak akaun mendeley. Senang aku nak simpan journals instead aku simpan dalam laptop, dalam pendrive, kalau simpan dalam mendeley, data takkan hilang tapi kena selalu sync. So that data will available online and with your laptop.

Banyakla kegunaan mendeley ni in fact all phd students should know about this and also those whom taking masters in research. Sementara aku pat ptar 1 tu aku pun survey tali untuk gantung kad. Punyalah lama nak beli tali yang ada tulis uitm ni. Tengok harga mai aihhh, satu rm 4.80??? Tapi sebab die ade uitm kan, so beli jela nak sangat kan. 

Sambil - sambil beli sambil sambil nyanyi lagu uitm dihatiku. La la la la la la la la la .  Eh eh apa lirik dia???????

So next week sempena birthday I yang ke 23 tahun (hahahahahahahahahahh) aku nak pergi seminar LR kat bangi plak. Yang ni yang berbayar punya, dah siap bayar pun.

Ok, sekian!

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...