Wow wow wow wow wow!!!!
Okey, harus terperanjat beruk kat sini sebab lagi dua bulan nak DRP and in fact dr SS still tak approved the proposal. Nangis kejap!
January has taught me a lot. Banyak!!! I learned a lot of things and kesabaran tu paling penting I guess in every situation and since Feb is around the corner, I will try my best to be better person everyday.
Lately, I have been losing out tempered badly. Very bad! Menjerit sana sini. Hobi baru.
Mangsa nya harusla kakak dan adik. Okey, noted on that. I kena susun jadual, bila mana nak study, anak - anak, kemas mengemas or else I akan jadi crazy. Like crazy monkey!
Bulan ni I kena buat banyak benda, I don't know if I could, but I trust myself, harus! In sya Allah, everything will be fine.
I lost my FIL last Sunday, also a great lesson for me. Emotional deep cos I takut tak sempat mak ayah tengok kejayaan I (ceh), and therefore GOT is my new target! GRADUATE ON TIME! It has been a week kut. Semoga roh arwah di tempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman, Aminnn!
There are so much to tell especially on the kids, I will update the kids blog soon, yes very soon, in my own sweet time. Its healing you know, writing and I enjoy alot cuma I tak tau if its approriate to mixed bahasa, is it ok, or not ok? My english is terrible plus my malay writing dah macam pelik kalau tulis full sentence.
Takpela, blog aku kut, suka hati aku la kan,
Again, I am still in sad mood sebab bapak dah takde, even memang tak rapat dengan in laws sebab jumpa bukan selalu. I hope MIL sihat la tinggal sorang. Dia tak nampak sedih but know what, entah macamana Mikha, I repeat budak bertuah tu, die rakam nenek dia tengah solat with my HP!!!!!!!
And she look soooooo sad after praying. Sedih. Harus I cubit telingan Mikha yang 'special' tu!!! Geram (eh, tak buat pun).
Okey, this is Sunday morning. Harini ada banyak benda nak buat! Tetiba rasa nak makan sundae mcD pulak, eh, apa connection????
Ok daaaaaaaaa.....