Dring our training tu on the second week tu ada convo in the university for postgraduate students. Unfortunately, in the middle of convo, hujan turun lebat and uitm macam kena landa gempa bumi. Hahhaahah. Ok, itu exaggerate je. Look at the pictures below.
The world of me..up and down..tears and joys..Allah, please give me strength to live on your given path, to redha for every faith that you destine for me and to love my husband, my parents, my children and my family till the end of my life..They are always in my thoughts, my hearts and my prayers, ALWAYS!
Friday, 22 May 2015
Thursday, 21 May 2015
I am going to spend the next hours writing about my training. I'm warning... post ni sedikit boring nanti. Hehhehehe.
Last month, Niza (a friend of mine which a lecturer in itm kedah) asked me to join this one training on innovation in entrepreneurship, which so related to my topic. So I agree and the training start early on May.
During the first weekend we have no idea what it will be about, which end up more to create an innovative product in our PhD research.. Camtula bunyinya. Without knowing that one of the panel is Dr SS. Great! I didn't tell him, konon. Akhirnya dia yang lead for industry hosted. Hermm.
On the first week tu ada Prof Mazani and Dr Ja as a speaker. Ada presentation, case to do etc etc. Dr J asked us to transform one old building in UiTM and the idea combined he is going to be presented to the upper level. Nampak tak? Diorang kerah idea kami and used it? Hahahhaahahh. It doesn't matter for the sake of education. Kan?
With prof Mazani yang baju hitam tu.
Projek layang - layang namanya.
Tak terbang layang - layang tu.
With Dr J yang pakai baju maroon long sleeve.
Bukan abang yang white hair tu.
Abang tu Datuk Zul, head of supply chain of UMW.
He is student.
Ding my presentation on first week with Mazida and Abang Zul.
First week ni module dia Opportunity Creative and Innovative Thinking. Venue in MTDC quit selesa and spacious jugak la. We are the pioneer on this particular training. Kira macam group pilot testing la.
Weekend nya I kena attend seminar on IGS which SPSS. Rasa macam dah full dah unday tu but I gagahkan jugakla myself study, tulis notes whatever. This is for research purpose jugak kan.
Training 2 hari ni betul- betul memenatkan. Tu Prof Fuzziawati, SPSS expertise. She is really good, she is. Banyak benda I adapt for my research.
The second week, my ex beloved lecturer yang pernah ajar marketing mas MBA dulu, Dr Zarina is a speaker. Ada aktiviti juga. Tapi tak ada gambar yang diambil. Tired sebab dia kerah otak kita thinking of the byproduct that we are going to produce. Crazy betul this time.
Lepas tu ada sessi interview and product that our partner (ada partner) wanted to give as a gift. My partner Nini dia nak belikan sport shoes for her husband something like that and I have to buit prototype? Sound crazy?? Yes it is. Tengokla prototype yang I buat tu seperti di atas.
Habis second week, then I ada satu lagi seminar end week tu on SEM pulak with Prof Ramayah. Can you imagine how hectic the week for me?
It is AMOS Software. How you build your chapter depends on your research Q and therefore you must know whether nak guna SPSS, PLS, SEM and etc. At least on basic level ye. Prof Ramayah ni mahal k, so bila IGS organize free, cepat-cepatlah booked. Rugi kalau tak pergi.
(pic later)
Masuk third week je masing - masing nampak keletihan. Ada yang WA sesama sendiri masa kelas. Semua dah kata letih and nothing to do with our PhD, it is just an additional value so that we will learn on how to innovate our research become product etc.
However, Prof Azam amd Prof Datin sangat membantu in third week ni. They are very nice. Siap ada hadiah bagai. Kena cipta logo la wahtever la. How to develop a business model from our research. It is kinda interesting sebenarnya.
This is my company logo that I created.
I took from internet and ubahsuai sikit.
And know what?
My group (my company) won the first medal.
Yeah, kami menang!!!
Hadiahnya coklat dari Dublin!
All of us on the third week.
Ada yang escape training sebab anak sakit, emak sakit.
My groupmate.
Ninie yang sangat bersungguh - sungguh.
And Sya yang banyak input.
Credit to them!
My myself doing presentation on the logo.
Nampak tak perempuan gemok baju purple tu.Sebab banyak makan free 3 minggu tu jadi gemuk!
On the last class, Dr Sofian datang dengan ceo of alam maritim because our next task will be risk management pronciple with industry.
Yang berdiri ni la my supervisor, Dr SS!
Yang tengah Prof Razmi and kiri tu ceo of Alam Maritim, Datuk Azmi.
So next week punya tasks mencabar jugak so balik kena study on risk management. Next week kami semua akan ke Alam Maritime and balik ke mtdc seminggu untuk discussion and presentation with lecturer sebelum kami present to the company back.
So this weekend I am going to rest and continue my research paper. Till next post!
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