Monday, 27 February 2012

lisa dan yusry

Hari ni saya ke blog uncleseekers sebab nak tengok what he will comment about wedding lisa and yusry. Tapi takde yang berkenaan sangat, mungkin beliau tidak mahu komen. Kemudian saya jumpa pula blog 'abah' aka s.h. alattas. Lalu saya terjumpa pasal wanita jendul yang disebut sh sebagai Volkswagen. Hahahaha. Kelakar!

Saya tak pasti apa yang di maksudkan mereka dengan dahi Volkswagen tapi aya adalah jendul! Oppssss!!! Apa-apa jela sh.

Kemudian review pula ke blog jalabiya, saje mahu tengok apa yang ada. Dan betula, Kak Fiza sedang mencari pekerja. Gaji rm800. Handphone sudah hilang dan ada post kelas manik di situ.

Saya ke gilttertatoo, owner bercerita pasal bagasi anak perempuannya. Too much talk on herself, her daughter, that's all. Dan dah lama juga Lisa tidak update blognya. Betul-betul dedikasi nampknya di company baru. Saya ke liyana's blog, sangat cute anaknya! Steph pulak still hot mummy!!! What a life! Dia selalu kena kutuk, but who's care? Her life kan? She's happy why we bother? Tapi she is my inspiration to maintain my body!

Kemudian baca pula pasak gambar tatu erykah yang ada nama Allah. Hai, macam-macam! Dunia ni.

Eh, melalut dari topik.
Saya cuma mahu bercerita sebelum lisa dan yusry, perkahwinan erra dan yusry was wedding of the year!
Masih ingat lagi pada masa itu siap cd ada dujual macam mana mereka bertemu, dilakonkan oleh zul yahya dan sharifah haslinda.

Kalau tak silap is either Lisa or Ana (ex uitm melaka) yang beli cd tu and kitorang tengok ramai-ramai. Pastu cerai.

Then sekarang wedding mereka harap kekal ke akhir hayat sebab banyak sangat spekulasi pasal yusry tu so harap khabar angin tu semua tak betul la kan.

Ni pic lisa and yusry, cute kan? Kredit to beautifulnara.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Past is past

I started blogging November 2010 I could remember. Even, there are friends who has started writing earlier, I never have the intention of doing so until one fine day I feel that I must write. Yeah, why not?

By accident, I found blogs of my two ex. First, I named him as M and he was really a damn good writer. The English was excellent I could say and he wrote not about him mostly on story teller. I guess one day he could a writer of love story maybe. I don't know. 

Our story started when I was doing my matriculation program. Long time ago (1999) I went to Law School because I find it cool to be a lawyer. With black and white suit and influences by Ally McBeal story, I decided to did Law. I end up my matriculation program but failed to further on my degree because I cannot make it on my first year degree. 

I went out with him by faith and after two month I felt there are no chemistry between us. Nothing! I cannot communicate well with him. Then after I out of Law School, I lost contact with him.

It is a memorable moment because in Law School I met Shaq, Aida, Fiza, Ani and Fara and we are still friends till now.

Ok, back to M, I couldn't read the whole blog because it is long but I've heard that he also writing something on me. His blog is really something and nic to read and has own followers. Now he already with someone which is a very cute girl and has own life. He is also in my friends list on my FB, no harm of being friends right? Me and him was not meant to be together and I've just wanted him to have a good life that's all.

The second ex was the nightmare for my whole life. I don't want to think about this man, never! Me and him was being together while I'm doing first degree in Business School. And through his blog, as usual he will blame everyone for what he has going through. He blamed God! OMG!!!! Last week, he added me on her FB, and also text me. Actually, I just wanted to say this to him:-

Dear S,
Please let me go out of your life. Please.
Do not ever enter with my life. I am really damn happy now.
If you thought that I left you because God fated it and it is very unfair, YOU ARE WRONG!
I left you because of yourself, you disgusting habit which is beating women, your boring life, your 'think you handsome' attitude, your broken family and you are never thinking of fixing it, but blame, blame blame!
You are such a boring human species that I have ever met.
Please fix your brain first before you have a relationship with other women!
If you think that I am going to just forgive and forget what you have done to me, YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN!
I am sick thinking of you and it is such a waste of four years relationship!!!!!!!!!!

Huh! What a relief!

So Happy Weekend everyone!

Enjoy life with our family.

I love you very true hubby Amer and baby Marsya.
Thanks for cheering up my life!


Lately ni I perasan my boss merangkap maksu dah tak pakai sangat brecelet, bangles dia. (Aku ni stalker ke ape). Dia pakai charm bracelets. 

Huhuhuhu. So I was like, hermmmmm!! Nice meh! So I goggle out charms from

Thomas Sabo 

USD 47
Ni yang besar ni je USD 47??

Thomas Sabo ni kind of eksklusif and cute design compare with Pandora very exclusive one for example:-


                             USD 270.00                                         Ni cheap skit, USD 50.00

Moreover, T&Co, ni lagila tak payah cakap, mahai!!

Tiffany & Co

USD 400

 I really like it!!!! USD 750.00

                     Price USD 1,250!!!!              

Kalau nak review more please see their website. Soooooo damnnn pretty!!!! Ada style and class!!!!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

saya dah lulus!!!!!!!

Alahamdulillah, syukur kepada Allah SWT sebab saya dah lulus semua paper last semester. Syukur. Hard work already paid.

Saya lulus semua lima-lima paper. Even cuma dua paper dapat A, I should proud of myself. Mana ada part time students MBA amik 5 paper sekaligus, but I did it. Kalau my classmates tanya berapa paper I ambil and I told them 'five', their eyes will open up big like unbelievable. Trust me, it is not easy. 

I'm trying hard, my classes at 6.30 almost every weekdays except Wednesday and all weekend I've got  to attend revisions and discussions. My daughter usually my husband akan jaga. So she seems so close to her dad for a while, semua nak daddy sampai dia cume pandai cakap 'dedi, dedi, dedi'. 

confused smileyconfused smileyThe problem was (sentiasa la ada masaalah kan) as previous entry 'the guy' that told me my status 'tak tamat' dalam sistem. But, I cannot access my status in my student portal. So pagi-pagi tadi I call Kak Lela tapi tak berangkat, so I decided to shoot her an email. I asked her on my status.

Now, I just wait and see and pray that my status will be ok and I can grad.

Please pray for me.

I really appreciate it guys!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Review 2011

It it already 2012.
2011 gone however, it still be remember.
A lot of things happen.
This entry, U just wanted to share what I have been through out the year.

Busy with assignment, presentation, new year

22/02 - 28/02 - Audit 2010 for SAL, the longest audit ever! Too many questions and query

Assignments and hoe work  

Stress month
Last month for 4th semester
21/04 - Langkawi Holiday
26 - Meeting SAL

May & June
Lepak month
17/6 - Result keluar - 3.84, cgpa 3.12

27 - Jumpa and lepak with Aida n Shaq

1/8 - First day puasa, buka rumah mak
4-6 - Balik Kuantan
16/8 - Dah start busy psl registration UiTM
16 - Dinner buka puasa dengan SA
17 -  Nuzul
31- National Day

1/9 - Raya at Kuantan
10/9 - Bridal Shower Ani at Alexis, The graden
11/9 - Aju Mak Tih tunang BIRTHDAY HUBBY
12-9 Class start
20/9 - Birthday Marsya

October& November
Busy with class, assignments, presentations, 

Holiday Malacca - Kota A Famosa & Kota Melaka
Finish most paper.
ABR present on Jan 2012.

2011 juga telah berlaku pelbagai perkara dalam hidup saya, dalam company saya.
Lisa dah brenti SAE, pindah ke company sebelah.
Friendship forever!

Lain-lain tu Kak Zie, Kak Azs, Kak Nurul telah meninggalkan SA dan yang tinggal akan meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa.

routine hidup saya

My routine would be almost the same everyday. Pagi-pagi bangun around 6.45 -6.50 (solat) yang dikatakan subuh agak gajah. Should improve on this, really. Then I pergi ofis, kalau rajin and sempat I will dropped by stall kat area ibu to buy breakfast. Then punch in ofis, I akan update my pc, browse anything related and buat air. Around 8.40 kena turun lobby for briefing then naik atas, agak-agak pc dah update, I pun akan buat apa patut.

Lunch time selalu we all akan keluar dengan kak Jihan. Balik selalunya ON TIME la unless kalau my husband could not pick me up early, I akan tumpang Lisa (company sebelah menyebelah je). Tu mangsa kebakaran I selain Kak Jihan la. Heheehehehehhe. 

Balik rumah I akan melepak ataupun buat apa patut (macam lipat kain, sapu sampah ke) pastu siap-siap nak pergi gym. I akan pergi after maghribla. Malam balik, amik hot shower then zzzzzzzzzzzzz.. Tidur lepas hot shower was amazing! Memang lena fuhhhhhhh! Just a few days back ni I kerap mimpi and selalu bangun pukul 3.30 or 4.30. Mimpi tu selalunya I tak boleh recall balik.

So sometimes kan I feel ni sign dari Allah suruh I sembahyang sunat ke, I've always being like this lately. Takkan la coincident kan everyday I wake up 4.30 camtu. Maybe it's time you know, who knows kuasa Allah! Semua yang tersurat dan tersirat kepunyaan Allah.

Marsya ada di rumah neneknya dan saya akan pergi tidur dengannya pada hari Rabu. Dan hari Jumaat kami akan pergi ambil selepas ke gym.

Tu routine on weekdays on weekend pulak selalunya I am doing nothing sebab nak spend qulaity times with may daughter. Main kejar-kejar and took her out on evening, sometimes bawak playground, since she grows up so she shows a little exciting compare masa baby dulu.

So that's all and I just hope myself will improve in terms of quality of life especially quality of solat, qulaity times with husband and baby.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Monday Blues

Sudah dua hari bercuti sudah semestinya sangat malas hendak bekerja. Tapi gagahkan jugak diri hari ini. Sudah dua hari saya bermain dengan Marsya. Hari ni Marsya 17 month, yeah!

This blog is meant for me and I will post all about her (my daughter) in her blog. So today I would like to explain what I did or what is my job spec. I am a Senior Account Executive and I did full sets of account. I mean not everything just monitor everything related to MONEY! 

At the end of the month, I received bank statement, I did bank reconciliation (to make sure money comes out and in are correct) then I will do the financial reports for my manager and bosses. I report directly to MD which means I have power (hahahaah, joke!)

My whole world concept is 'everything is money, money money!'

Everyday I have to monitor which request was an important, urgent or super urgent to process and bring all over to boss and usually boss will say 'No money!!!!!!' 

'Please ask them (marketing) to collect their debt!!'

And go to marketing 'Datin ask you all go to to H***, guys' 


Next I have to make sure that my assistants do their job correctly, in order or else I will be in big trouble!

Sometimes the day in the office could be terrible and disaster and many time I'm thinking of resign!

Sometimes I feel the peace of surroundings and I loves to be here!

Monday, 20 February 2012


During 2012, there are a lots of activities that I've joined which I don't know whether I capable to do all this things in one time. Apakah mdm dee tried to be superwomen,? Adakah? Antaranya:-

Fitness First.
I've joined fitness first on December and started classes in early January. Tried to reshape my body, stomach and other parts too. I do really wants to be slim again and work hard on this. Previously I am 62kgs and after a month I have no guts yet to sit on the weight scale, wait till three months peeps. I do really hope that I will reduce some wights. I've attended classes at Bukit Tinggi JJ and took about 20 mins from home. I went with husband and he encourage me a lot, though I assume that he really wants me look like before kut. 

Sewing Class
I never mention that I love sewing, don't I?So I've joined Jalabiyahouse sewing classes and I manage to attend three classes of baju kurung moden, jubah and blouse. I really loves sewing because it is kind of hobby to me and I hope that I will improve my sewing skills as well. I wanted to sew baju kurung for myself, my daughter and etc. The class near to Carefour and easy for me to go there. I hope that I will start sewing something this week.

Research Proposal
I already mention that I going to finish my MBA soon right?Currently I am working on my research proposal for PhD. My dilemma was whether I am going to concentrate on HR or Logistics. Absolutely not Finance! No more finance paper! Dan sekarang saya sangat pening, sangat pening untuk buat proposal ini, huhuhuhuhuh. LR lagi untuk dibuat. It may take some times kan. So wish me luck and hopefully my dreams will come true. Aminnnnnn.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


My husband dah sihat! Pagi tadi siap nak langgar bangla naik basikal tepi jalan dengan alasan 'bodoh bangla ni tak reti naik basikal'

I cakap 'Amboi dah baik cam gini plak perangai'

Hahahahahahha. I pun tak suka bangla jugak tapi takdela sampai nak bunuh bangla tu. Heheeehehhe.

Hari ini hari Jumaat dah dh tghari2 pas lunch masuk terlambat 15 mins. Makan kat Carefour makk aiii banyaknye mee die bagi, harga 5.50. Amik kau!

Semalam, saya telah di kejutkan dengan berita tak enak di dengar iaitu saya tidak tamat masters lagi. Ada seorang hamba Allah ni bagitau (sebab kawan dia kerja uitm, so diorang dah check result). I was like 'oooo...kau dah check result aku la eh!! Macam sakit hati pun ada sebab apa ke hal kau nak check result aku pulak.

Dia cakap marketing paper ada sangkut. I teringat that last time I cuma dapat B- untuk paper tu and it is a LB means if I grad 3 pointer above, I didn't have to repeat, kalau tak I am going to repeat it again.

So, I just wait my result this coming Thursday and see whether I am going to repeat it again or not.

So for a meantime, I tanak buat apa-apa spekulasi, cuma I tersangat geram dengan hamba Allah berkenaan and I just hope that I will never ever meet him again!!!!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Other Half

Hello and good afternoon. Harini kisah hidup saya berkisar tentang suami saya a.k.a my other half. Sayang saya demam hari ni, jadi sebagai isteri solehah saya kena la menjaga hati dan perasaan dia supaya tak tersinggung. Uhuhuhuhuhuhuh.

Before I met him (my husband), I was in relationships with a guy which was my classmates for about four years. And after we broke up, I went through a terrible process of 'broken heart' recovering period. Yes, my life was terrible and going upside down. So I went out with many guys, many! 

I realized that guys@men@boys are about the same if they are sick! Inilah rasanya I had to face yang tersangat annoying! Tersangat! Diorang jadi seorang perengus, pemarah sebab sakit. Thay hate if they fall sick! Hello cik abang, bukannya selalu pun sakit kan, ayoyoyoyyoy.

Hubby dah tiga hari demam dan belum kebah. Dah makan ubat dah but if its still bad, bawak pergi klinik again la, itu je solution yang ada. So, hari ini saya akan balik rumah jadi isteri solehah dan cuba untuk tidak membangkitkan kemarahan suami saya sebab dia tengah sakit and moody!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Good morning and Happy valentine's Day! Uhh, hari ni memang best sebab dapat pergi kerja lambat, ahahahaha! It is because my husband got high fever! Balik dari fitness semalam, dia dah mengadu tak sihat, so masa tengah makan kat selera, dia dah tak sabar nak balik. Masa tu I was ignoring him. I was like 'ala, demam sikit jekan?' Pastu sampai rumah masa tengah mandi, dalam toilet sorang-sorang I fiikir macam kesian pulak tengok. 

Macammana anda mahu disayangi jika anda tak tahu nak menyayangi orang lain?

My husband ni jenis manja so dia nak I temankan dia. Pagi tadi I terlambat ke ofis and dah alang-alang tu ambil time-off terus la. Pagi tadi pun badan masih panas lagi.

What did u call your husband? I called him 'Yang" or in front of people 'U'. I don;t know if its appropriate ke tak, but I guess it is fine la kan?

The Story of Us

Cerita tentang kami ni nak elaborate pun susah but me and him used to be friends and he was the supplier to my company where he supplied everything means macam-macam la. He did printing advertising, t-shirt, logos for company and etc. 

And every time he was looking for me to collect cheque, tanya payment and everything else dan akan melepak kat my table each time he reach my company. And at one time he asked me out tu pun setelah beberapa lam I am avoiding him, cuba taknak keluar dengan mamat nih!

After one time dating I feel no harm of trying and somewhere in July 2009, ada company trip to Korea and he pun joined jugak. After got back, we decided to get married. Engagement date in October, wedding in December.

Simple and ada cerita sweet jugak. Anak sulung bertemu anak bongsu. I just wanted this marriage till the end of our lives.

So, tahun ni we will celebrate our third year anni and hopefully it will last forever.

Thanks for everything. Happy Valentine's Day (even kita tak pernah sambut celebration kristian ni kan buat ape). Eheheheheh. Selamat Hari Kasih Sayang.

Trying So Damn Hard

I am trying hard to:

  • Wake as early as possible and talk to myself 'Dee, kau boleh! Boleh pergi kerja! Boleh boleh boleh'
  • Forgive and forget everything and everyone because I don't want small thing ruin great relationships. 
  • Take a deep breath and relax, enjoy life Dee!
  • Love my husband as much as I can because with love I will survive, will be alive and generate power to ourselves. Do not underestimate the power of love. Husband, I will love you till death.
  • Working hard on my research proposal. Once done, I will headed one next step which to change to my life and the hopefully transforming the whole of me into new. 
  • To be a good mummy and to loved Marsya with the fullest heart.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Lepas Geram

Ye, saya memang tulis blog ini untuk lepas geram, nak kata apa saya boleh tanpa ada siapa-siapa baca. Saya sangat geram dengan seorang mamat poyo dalam company saya. I named him S. S was a driver first then dia di promotekan jadi Executive. I would say that he was being promoted sebab jenis 'aircond' type. Kerja nya kipas bos. So got what I mean? So all transport matters was refer to him as well. Then he could not manage one payment regarding transport, he will pass everything to Account.

Oppss, I am an Account Exec at my company which I am the headed and I got two assistant. So I am mad today. Saya telah berkata perkataan tak sepatutnya (tapi patut di cakap pada mamat poyo ni) dan dia telah mengisytiharkan email yang tak patut pada saya which read by bosses.

I am up to that level which eh ko mamat pergi H**L la kan. Aku memang tak nak tengok muka bodoh ko lagi sebab asyik menyusahkan aku. 

At this stage kan, memangla kalau orang tu takde education, level of thinking will be low too right? I bukan nak merendahkan orang yang takde education tapi it is fact!!!!!!

Pastu adela pulak hamba Allah ni suka sangatla bagi arahan kat SE (which means me). Suruh itu ini. Adoiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Sangat benci kerja saya!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 13 February 2012


Errrr...ermmm hello peeps and frens and whoever read this (ada ke). Starting point rasa macam gabra (hekeleh) sebab I didn't wrote for so so long and I am moving to new blog. (this blog)

Because I guess the old one should remove!!!!!! And it only for my daughter dan di mana saya belum start anything at all. I love writing sebab I feel it is very very very important to let out everything in your heart, everything!

So you takdela pendam sorang-sorang menyesali nasib, takdir la apela, pastu tanya 'WHY ME???'WHYYY???

Tell me why!!! Haha

Me myself adalah seorang wanita, isteri, anak sulung dalam keluarga, pekerja yang dediiiiii kasi (oh poyo) dan  a mom to a beautiful daughter, Marsya. I love Marsya so much!!!! So much! Errrrr and dedi Marsya jugak.

Online Marketing Part 4: Copywriting

What is copywriting? Bila speaker first mention copy writing dalam seminar, I thought what the hell was that, saya ingatkan macam IP o...