Thursday, 23 February 2012

saya dah lulus!!!!!!!

Alahamdulillah, syukur kepada Allah SWT sebab saya dah lulus semua paper last semester. Syukur. Hard work already paid.

Saya lulus semua lima-lima paper. Even cuma dua paper dapat A, I should proud of myself. Mana ada part time students MBA amik 5 paper sekaligus, but I did it. Kalau my classmates tanya berapa paper I ambil and I told them 'five', their eyes will open up big like unbelievable. Trust me, it is not easy. 

I'm trying hard, my classes at 6.30 almost every weekdays except Wednesday and all weekend I've got  to attend revisions and discussions. My daughter usually my husband akan jaga. So she seems so close to her dad for a while, semua nak daddy sampai dia cume pandai cakap 'dedi, dedi, dedi'. 

confused smileyconfused smileyThe problem was (sentiasa la ada masaalah kan) as previous entry 'the guy' that told me my status 'tak tamat' dalam sistem. But, I cannot access my status in my student portal. So pagi-pagi tadi I call Kak Lela tapi tak berangkat, so I decided to shoot her an email. I asked her on my status.

Now, I just wait and see and pray that my status will be ok and I can grad.

Please pray for me.

I really appreciate it guys!

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