Harini Cik Kiah rasa Ciki Kiah nak berangan sikit. Hahahahahaah. Nak bagitau apa Cik Kiah nak. Heheheheheheheheh. Seronok seronok.
I want to do facial, scrub badan, mandi susu, full body massage.
Sambil massage buat manicure and pedicure
Seronok lepas tu pergi saloon and buat rambut pulak
Balik relax, ehehehhehehe.
Then my room decor I would like to be like this;
Simple and nice decor, atas tu I will put my wedding pictures. Ala, macam predictable kan? Ni ala-ala Swiss Garden Hotel je decor dia but I like it. Behind the big mirror is my bathroom and wardrobe semua kat belakang situ.
Tepi sink tu ada bath tub. I guess just a small one and depan bath tub ada small shower.

I nak konsep soft blue for my bathroom sebab I nak rasa tenang je duduk kat situ and bath tub tu penting untuk I berendam susu ke bunga ke kan. Eheheheeh.
So now move to Marsya's room.
Kalau mix kan colour tu jadi very light pink and purple ok kut. I prefer kalau bed and wardrobe kaler light brown White is not so into me la, and bigger bed size, ermmm..

And wall kat area staircase tu kena amik light green baru nampak ala-ala 'hijau'.
This one also cool. Compact.
Now move to kitchen. I hate cooking. Tak suka. But currently my kitchen was quit big jugak. Buat kata Kak Jihan kitchen besar, orang malas. Hahahahahh. Maybe I dun feel like my current home is not really my home kut. Kut la kan. I like the design so much, simple and sweet.
Ni takde kena mengena just nak bagitau yang kitchen diatas tu nak match kan dengan lantai ni.
I tanak lantai atas sebab tiles and celah-celah tiles tu hitam. I tak suka. Lantai sebelah ni kan shining lagi, glamer!
Kalau rumah double-story, between main bedroom and another bedroom ada small compund kan macam small living room. I always dream that to have mini library there sebab I have lots of stuff (books).
In the meantime, my husband and I try nak buat camtu tapi tak jadi. Hahahahaha. Semak semacam je I tengok.
Seriously kalau ada gambar I paste here.
This is my dream mini library la where I can lepak around and hang around with my kids. InsyaAllah
Tak salah ada impian kan?
Ok ok dahla berangan tu. Sebenarnya banyak lagi nak berangan tapi stop la dulu tu kan. Hahahahahahah. April is just around the corner ni so ada banyak issues kena setel in mid April.
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