Friday, 20 April 2012

research paper

Hari Rabu hari tu pagi-pagi dah pergi itm sebab nak dengar talk pasal mybrain15. I was like not-so excited sebab I am damn tired lately. Sangat letih. Then bila fikir balik pasal phd I teruskan jugakla usaha. Hahahaahh. Basically phd by research we can apply throughout the year and pengambilan adalah on monthly bassis. For coursework plak (DBA) kena apply before 31st May 2012 and register will be on 11th August. Wah, so damn fast!

I should think about the title, preparation on proposal by now actually. Since I only took one paper this semester, suppose I got more time la kan. Tapi tak taula time would be available for me ot not. Hahahaah. Sarcastic  punya ayat!

Ni assignment marketing pun tak tengok-tengok lagi kan. Ada hati nak buat proposal, tak tahula boleh siap ke tak. Hopefully bolehla. Sekarang tengah kumpul material.

The process tu might took some times and I don't know where to start. And at the same time, I tanak push myself to hard. I insist to take PhD by research because I felt its more relevant compare with DBA. Lagipun I dah spent 3 years doing MBA coursework and I don't want to attend any class. No more class. Relaks la sikit, nak push for research paper je. Tapi paper kena la bagus kan so that we will confident to do it.

I wanted to do something relate with talent management. I tengah nak narrow down the title, from HR issues, tengah nak kecikkan to something yag useful. Masa I pergi seminar tu i got some idea and point yang di cadangkan oleh speaker:-

1) Cari issue, apa yang kita nak selesaikan and make sure it relevant which can be settles
2) Gather data berkaitan issues and list all datas.
3) Make sure research kita something meaningful, easily understand and beneficial to others example to the industry ke, diorang boleh guna tak thesis kita nih

I tiba-tiba macam nak tak nak HR sebab I tak tahula samada Hr relevan ke tak nak aplly sebab diorang ada protected Act and etc. Tiba-tiba I berubah hati. Hahaahahahah

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