Sejak hari sabtu pagi tu aku rasa semua orang pun tak senang duduk. Siapa yang tak pernak nak hadap astro awani pun dok hadap 24 hours sampai cerita lain lain pun aku tak endah (aku la tu).
Sabtu tengahari lepas balik dari birthday party terus satu family hadap tv sampai la hari Ahad tu dan Isnin (hari ni) (lepas hantar anak semua). Tapi air pulak takde, terbantut sesetengah kerja rumah plus hari Isnin is my busy day.
Semua gara - gara pesawat MH yang terhempas tu. Tak mahu tulis full nanti kalau orang google nanti blog ni akan tersenarai juga. Padahal blog ini untuk suka -suka sahaja.
I am not in good mood lately. Tak payah explain panjang lebar.
Then, emo bila ada flight yang tak tahu status, kesian dengan sanak - saudara, mak bapak, anak - anak diorang. Tiba - tiba hari Isnin tak ada air pulak. Ya Allah!
Macam - macam spec orang nak tambah lauk, haissshhh, belum lagi kat facebook penuh dengan update which is good and shows that Malaysian ni berhati perut.Tapi paling tak best bila orang kata it is propa untuk tutup politic case. This is one of the way to cover up another story so that people will focus on this story line. Come on laaaaa! Ini nyawa orang kut! Takkan nak buat main - main dengan nyawa orang. Haiiisshhh. Please be sensitive to others please!
I pray for them to be back in good in no matter what! Ya Allah, tolong ya Allah..
The point that I put the Ketua Pengarah DCA picture here (Azharudin) because such a pity yesterday because he has to answer question that he had no known on it. Then, I could see that on Sunday he already tense with all those questions, but today, he answering more calmly and cool.
Great job come with great responsibility. He has to answer it even the questions seems so ridiculous and especially medias from outside says Malaysian was quit late in action. Good luck Datuk!
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