Tuesday, 23 September 2014

A Journey Has Begin

Eh betul ke ejaan tu. Ada grammatical disorder tak? Ke a journey has begun???


Why? If you are wrongly post grammar errror kang ada pulak orang membetulkannya.

Ada la satu IG yang I follow, dia nak tulis close on Tuesday is something like that, then ada reader dia tegur 'it is not close, supposed to be CLOSED.. kena tulis ed..' If you are asking me, mampus I dunno how to differentiate that. Seriously.

Teruk kan English..Oh maiiii... BM pun sama, bila orang semua tulis short form everywhere.. teruk jadi terok.. what the hell???

So Manglish is the  best. Cehhhhhh

So how was the journey of study? Masih la lagi terkial-kial even dah end year. They said we are gong to do DRP next semester. This semester hape pun takde buat. Relax betul kan. Hahahahah. 

So too my scholarship. Masih takde bayang. Sabron, sabron!

Banyak sangat personal things to catch up and lack of time management.

Entah I do need proposer management time.

Please please start.

200 journal nak habis????


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