Thursday, 23 April 2015


Dalam dunia ni tak ada benda yang perfect and tak perlu nak kritik or condemn others if their behaviour, their attitude, their thinking tak sama macam kita. Everyone is different, and everyone has different journey in their life.

If they did things yang kita rasa tak best atau tak seronok rasanya tak perlu la nak cakap or spell it out, simpan je dalam hati perasaan tu sebab tak semestinya apa yang kita buat best sangat bagi orang lain. Entah, I don't know why some people love to compare what they had with others.

Pelik tengok perangai manusia.

People usually kalau dia suka sangat talk about a things or someone or any things on certain particular people, most probably, I repeat most probably they are envy to that person.

In my life, I met many people and I valued friendships were among valuable things because friendships is a kind of things that I choose myself.

If there were people (not your friends) talking about you, condemn you, what you did, what you own and etc..talking to your friends about it, gossiping about you and at the end you heard it back, there where they should stand... BEHIND you!! Yes, exactly! That is why you are still in the same place women! And YOU are not HAPPY at all!

This is because people who talking about you, they got NOTHING to do, their life is miserable, they had difficulty in life, they are unhappy, they are pathetic and experience BRAIN damage.

So lets not talk about others.

Live happily.

I myself in everyday routine, after send Mikha to his place, running to library till 4-5 pm, then lunch at very late afternoon, pick up Mikha, buat kerja rumah..bla bla..tidurkan dia, then sambung kerja till 2 am, bangun  pagi balik. That's the routine. I had sleepless every night, I eat when I feel hungry, I am busy, had no time watch tv. Weekends is a family time then. 

Therefore, whoever mess with me will get a slap from me now onwards.

I don't give a damn on how you do your life, I will never judge.

I am myself is a damn happy women. I repeat HAPPY. I got a family, husband - works 18 hrs a day - to fulfill what his wife needs - a pair of children - supportive parents - good siblings - a mak mertua yang tak kisah apa aje asal korang bahagia - ipar2 yang tak masuk campur.

Oh, apa yang membebel panjang sangat ni???
Masya Allah!

Okey, I dah maafkan siapa -siapa yang I mean in above statement. I am human, I am weak. 


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